Captain America 2014 Head Sculpture #2 (CA2014N02) Released


Captain America 2014 Head Sculpture #2 (CA2014N02) Released



2.孑木的正式肖像作品每套7件设计(头雕,说明书,胸像,收藏证书,手写感谢函,礼盒,电子邀请函,作品全部是涂装完整作品,涂装全部由K完成. (K的作品集|K’ Gallary)

1. CA2014N02 is officially released, where CA2014 is the abbreviation of the work, and N02 is the work numbered 2, which is the second head sculpture of this work. The current version of the N01 head sculpture is V4.2.17.Head Sculpture Version Links

2.Jim’s official portrait works each set of seven designs (head sculpture, instructions, bust, COA, thanks card, gift box, E-invitation), The works are all painted complete works, the paintings are all done by K.(K的作品集|K’ Gallary)

3.N02采用的是第二代涂装工艺,为更好的使涂装还原雕塑模型意图,对于涂装 – 监理 – 修改的流程与色彩的处理和运用上都进行了升级,从可以N01和N02的对比可以看出,并且N01和N02素材采用也有所不同,所以表情也不太一样。N01主要素材片段选自电影电梯片段,N02主要素材片段选自电影秘密基地片段,更多参考图片也可以再头雕图集-参考图栏目中找到.头雕图集链接

3.The N02 utilizes a second-generation paint craft, In order to paint better restore sculpture intention, the process of painting  – supervision – modification, the color treatment and application have been upgraded. it can be seen from the contrast between N01 and N02, and the materials of N01 and N02 are different, so the expression is not quite the same. N01 material is mostly taken from the movie elevator clip, and N02 material from the movie secret base clip. More reference pictures can also be found in the “head sculpture gallery – reference” section.Head Sculpture Gallery Links