About the 5th generation of portrait production craft


About the 5th generation of portrait production craft




As a fans of Marvel and DC movies himself, and a enthusiasts of portrait sculpture, Jim continues to upgrade his craft of portrait making, striving to make his most satisfying images of movie characters as souvenirs.

Portrait production craft contains sculpture, printing, painting 3 parts, from clay sculpture to virtual sculpture.Jim has been adapting and adjusting the software and machine, and strive to unify this three parts, standardize the process and technology of production. Therefore the following sections to introduce in detail the new 4th generation of portrait production craft, in addition to some updates and changes to the website.

1. 版本命名|Version Naming





第三位数字“3”表示不同细节的变化版本,被称为“小版本”,从4.2.0, 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and 4.2.3的渲染图看不出明显的差异。

Take advantage of 3d sculpture, Jim will make multiple versions of each work, then compare and modify to form the final version, because the previous craft is not very mature, so the intermediate version V2.1.8 was released, with the maturity of the craft, we will not release the midway version and test painting version, only the final official version will be released. this latest version of the head sculpture is V4.2.3, the latest bust version is V3.0.8,

About V4.2.3:

The first digit “4” indicates the fourth generation of portrait production craft.

The second digit “2” indicates the version number of the main structure or expression,  It is called  “major version“. the difference between 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2 can be clearly seen in the rendering.

The third digit “3” indicates the detail change version, It is called  “minor version“. no significant differences can be seen in the renderings from 4.2.0, 4.2.1, 4.2.2 and 4.2.3

2. 雕塑工艺|Sculpture Craft


Sometimes the final painted model is completely different from the sculpted model, this is because of the interference of skin color and lighting for sculpture and the fact that the painter and the sculptor are not the same person. Therefore, the 4th generation craft use back to the 2nd generation craft, that is, borrowed from the CG model production method, and upgrade it. that is, pre-painting in the computer, and then add the simulation of the real lighting environment to form a rendering to compare the similarity of the model, pre-painting is not the final painting result, but also basically the general appearance and expression of the model. Another function is to maintain the creative consistency between the painter and the sculptor. this part about painting is introduced under 4. painting craft.


For sculpture models,the changes in the 4th generation craft :

  • 结构和表情的自然程度
  • Naturalness of structure and expression


The following images are a comparison between V4.2.3 rendering, V2.1.8 rendering, and reference photos, although the reference photo and the model are not the same expression, can not be fully corresponded, but can do structural comparison. Thus, we can see that V4.2.3 image is more restored to the stills and movie image, and the expression and muscles are more natural.

  • 结构的准确性和细节的丰富程度
  • Accuracy of structure and richness of detail


the 4th generation craft has higher structural accuracy and richer details,In the facial organs,because the ear is the organ that changes the least with expression and age and is also the most complex organ, we used a comparison renders of both ears to show the accuracy of the structure and used a small detail like a mole on the face to show the level of detail in the 4th generation craft.

3. 3D打印工艺|3d print Craft


The best models also need to print performance, we have been focusing on the printing craft from the previous generations, 4th generation craft Jim more standardized the printing process and details.

  • 使用的树脂和打印的方式
  • The resin and the way of printing


Previous collectors who have come into contact with the printed models have encountered cracking of the model, as shown in the picture below, Therefore, we take targeted measures to avoid this situation from all aspects,include:use best resin, and All solid printing regardless of material consumption(so our headsculpture is heavier in weight) and special curing method, These measures can basically prevent this from occurring.

  • 打印的模具
  • Printed molds


Each head sculpture of the 4th generation craft is an individual mold, not simply a mass reproduction, Each head sculpture will be printed with the abbreviation of the artwork, the version number, and the studio’s seal, and each head sculpture has a different part of the hair and will be printed with a different number, If adding the K painting creation so each head sculpture can not be exactly the same, so each head sculpture is an individual artwork. As shown in the picture below.

  • 3D打印的精度
  • Precision of the 3Dprint


the 4th generation craft also standardizes the accuracy of printing, because we have the highest precision 3d printer in the market and the best performance resin , so the factors of machine and resin can be ignored. In terms of parameter adjustment, requiring the skin texture to be clearly visible and deepen with the age of the character. As shown in the picture below..

  • 模型矫正
  • Model Correction


Because the final printed model is not direct 3d model, the middle of the printing process, there will be printing machine and resin impact problems, Because we have used the best resin so the impact of the resin can be ignored, the main problem is the printer and parameters, so Jim added a model correction craft to ensure that the printed models are basically the same as the 3d model. Each print test using hollow half-head printing and full-head printing for more than 3 tests and modifications, and finalized before the official printing.

  • 模型的精修
  • Refinement of models


 the 4th generation craft also standardizes the addition of print support and the processing of the model refinement after printing, especially the back of the printed models cannot have obvious traces of support residue. All of these appearances are classified as defective and destroyed, this has been done in previous generations, and collectors who have contacted our models should have experience. As shown in the picture below.

4. 涂装工艺|Painting Craft


The painting must be in accordance with the sculptor’s intention to have a good performance, the most ideal situation is the sculptor to paint their own work, but the Jim now the level of painting is not enough to have a good performance, So we took a collaborative approach with K to complete the artwork. The difference in painting level between mainstream painters is not that big, but the main difference is the style of color. Therefore, all future Jim’s official portraits artwork will no longer have unpainting molds, It’s all painted version. .As shown in the picture below.


The whole process of painting is:

  • 孑木先在电脑预涂装
  • Jim pre-painted in the computer first


About the painting process is jim first in the computer to complete the initial pre-painting, The role of pre-painting is not to completely restore the skin tone. Instead, it defines the size and direction of the eyebrows, the size and position of the pupils and iris, the color border of the lips, and the length of the eyeliner, which basically determine the expressions and shapes of the character.

  • 涂装师的正式涂装
  • painter’s official painting


painter’s test painting will also be based on Jim has pre-painted these locations and sizes for coloring. These are basically fixed, and the part of painter’s art creation is to touch up and restore the skin tone of the model according to photo, and add facial shadows as appropriate to make the model more three-dimensional, so although the painting result will be inconsistent with the rendering, but the final general expression and appearance of the character can be seen through the rendering.After painting, sometimes the model will be modified again according to the result of painting, so as to achieve the best result.After painting, sometimes the model will be modified again according to the result of painting, so as to achieve the best result.Such a process ensures the consistency of the sculptor and the painter’s creation. As shown in the picture below.

  • 涂装作品的差异化
  • Differentiation of painted artworks

涂装是艺术创作,不是工业生产,不可能每一个作品都完全一致,虽然涂装有时候也会略微不同,但绝对不会出现不好的作品,我们会监理涂装的过程,如果涂装有失误,会让涂装师修改或重涂,所以正式作品的不同只是好与更好,并且涂装也是一个循序渐进的过程,理论上在第一颗样品涂装出来后,是越涂到后面作品品质越好,从2.0的中途版本的涂装就可以知道,好的涂装有时候是试出来的,哪怕你水平再高也对角色、对雕塑者的作品有一个了解的过程,如下图所示,K再与孑木没有磨合的情况下的涂装到中期的涂装,到最后一个涂装都在进步,哪怕是 Yelim(中国收藏者俗称崔爷)第一次涂装和后来的涂装也差异非常大。所以孑木也采取和K深度的沟通以完成最好的作品,鉴于手工作品有差异的缘故,正式完成的所有作品具体每一个作品如何具体处置,由孑木自己决定。

Painting is an artistic creation, not an industrial production, it is impossible for every work to be exactly the same, although painting can sometimes be slightly different, but there is absolutely no bad work, we will supervise the painting process, If there is a mistake in painting, it will let painter modify or repaint, so the difference between formal works is just good and better, and painting is also a gradual process, Theoretically, after the first sample is painted the later the painted works, the better the quality of the works, from the 2.0 midway version of the paint can be known, good painting is sometimes tried and tested, even if level is high, there is a process of understanding to the role an the sculptor’s work, as shown in the picture below, the painting in K and jim without familiarity, to the mid-term painting, to the last painting are progressing, even Yelim first painting and later painting is also very different. So Jim also took and K in-depth communication to complete the best work, in view of the differences in handmade works, it is up to Jim to decide exactly what to do with each of the officially completed works.

5. 作品的发布|The release of artwork

  • 网站搜索功能
  • Site search function


  • 作品更新与发布
  • Artwork update and release

今后作品在计划页面按版本编号发布时会发布相应的渲染图,如果有渲染图则版本标题后有“渲染图”的字样,配合网站搜索功能,关注者可以通过下列关键字搜索渲染图,“渲染图”、“4.2 渲染图”、“CA2014 渲染图 ”

In the future, when the work is released by version number on the project page, the corresponding rendering will be released, and if there is a rendering, the version title will be followed by the word “render”,  with the site search function, Followers can search for renderings by the following keywords , “render” , “4.2 render” ,  “CA2014 render”.

因为K的涂装创作本来就是独立创作不是批量生产,以后孑木工作室的头雕也不会有批次货,每一颗都是独立涂装,K会尝试涂装变化以达到最好的效果,所以每一颗也不尽相同,因此我们将一颗一颗按编号的发布涂装作品的照片。搜索下列关键词可以查找每一颗头雕的涂装照片,“照片”,“N02 照片”,“CA2014 照片”,“CA2014 N02 照片”。

Because K’s painting is an independent creation, not a batch production, there will be no batches paintings of headsculptures in the future, each one is painted independently, and K will try to paint variations to achieve the best effect, so each one is not the same, Therefore, we will release the painted headsculpture one by one according to the number. Search for the following keywords to find photos of each painted headsculpture , “photo”, “N02 photo”, “CA2014 photo”, “CA2014 N02 photo”.

最后|the last


The 4th generation craft is not the final completion of Jim’ portrait art research, it is merely the most mature generation of the craft and Jim will continue to research. Please follow this page about official artwork (计划页面)