艺术赞助|Art Patronage

艺术赞助|Art Patronage


The following is about the related matters of JimSculpt studio’s portrait sculpture and collection methods

图片1|Pic 1


图片2|Pic 2

Invitation style for English version

点击图片查看详情页|click picture to view page

赞助邮件|Patronage Email

  • 切勿重复发送邮件,重复出现的姓名、社交账号和邮箱都会自动被系统过滤为垃圾邮件,所以请慎重考虑后再发邮件,若填写有误,到社交账号联系工作人员。
  • 姓名栏可以填写真名或网名,如果赞助被接受,那么此名字将留在网站上,感谢卡上。
  • 社交账号栏可以填写多个(格式:闲鱼-jimsculpt,微信-jimsculpt,Ins-jimsculpt…)。中国区收藏者是通过闲鱼发送邀请函而非邮件,所以闲鱼“会员名”是必填(非“昵称”防止重复)。
  • 因作品礼物有限,遵循“一人一套”的规则。
  • 如果出现一个系列的作品,有的赞助者想集齐系列,成功收藏本系列前一个作品的赞助者有下个角色差不多同等条件下的优先收藏权。比如此次复联三巨头,成功收藏美队的有钢铁侠的优先收藏权。
  • 考虑和回复都需要时间,请耐心等待。
  • Do not send multiple emails, repeated names, social accounts and email addresses are all automatically filtered by the system as spam, so please consider carefully before sending the email. If you fill out the form incorrectly, go to our social accounts and contact the staff.
  • The name field can be filled in with your real name or screen name, If patronage is accepted, then this name will remain on website, on thanks card.
  • The social account field can be filled in with more than one(Format:Ins-jimsculpt, FB-jimsculpt…), and the invitations were also sent via social accounts rather than email.
  • Because the gift is limited, adherence to the “one person, one set” rule.
  • It takes time to consider and respond, so please be patient.

Patronage Email

  • 切勿重复发送邮件,重复出现的姓名、社交账号和邮箱都会自动被系统过滤为垃圾邮件,所以请慎重考虑后再发邮件,若填写有误,到社交账号联系工作人员。
  • 姓名栏可以填写真名或网名,如果赞助被接受,那么此名字将留在网站上,感谢卡上。
  • 社交账号栏可以填写多个(格式:闲鱼-jimsculpt,微信-jimsculpt,Ins-jimsculpt…)。中国区收藏者是通过闲鱼发送邀请函而非邮件,所以闲鱼“会员名”是必填(非“昵称”防止重复)。
  • 因作品礼物有限,遵循“一人一套”的规则。
  • 如果出现一个系列的作品,有的赞助者想集齐系列,成功收藏本系列前一个作品的赞助者有下个角色差不多同等条件下的优先收藏权。比如此次复联三巨头,成功收藏美队的有钢铁侠的优先收藏权。
  • 考虑和回复都需要时间,请耐心等待。
  • Do not send multiple emails, repeated names, social accounts and email addresses are all automatically filtered by the system as spam, so please consider carefully before sending the email. If you fill out the form incorrectly, go to our social accounts and contact the staff.
  • The name field can be filled in with your real name or screen name, If patronage is accepted, then this name will remain on website, on thanks card.
  • The social account field can be filled in with more than one(Format:Ins-jimsculpt, FB-jimsculpt…), and the invitations were also sent via social accounts rather than email.
  • Because the gift is limited, adherence to the “one person, one set” rule.
  • It takes time to consider and respond, so please be patient.

赞助邮件|Patronage Email

Patronage Email